Comment Of the Week: "The 'Red Pill' Was Common Sense"

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This week’s Comment of the Week comes from the young brother Yash.

He was responding to a conversation in the comments of my video, “Solitary Beast Featured On Strong Successful Male”.

I made the point that the so-called “Red Pill” and the mystery of “female nature” seems to be a brand new concept, but it’s really just common sense.

It was purposely hidden, under lies and delusions, for the last 60 years of feminism.

Your grandfather knew that women were emotional, irrational, and couldn’t be trusted to make important decisions on their own.

It was simple common sense to him, and all men of that time, all the way back through history.

That’s why the Patriarchy exists,

to protect women from themselves,

and protect society from women.

Don’t take my word for it. Look at the facts.

Single Mothers

Prior to feminism, then called “women’s liberation”, the vast majority of children lived in stable, two parent families.

Children raised in two parent families perform better in school, graduate and attend college at higher rates, and are more likely to be productive, happy members of society.

Children raised by single mothers, on the other hand, are more likely to:

live in poverty,

read below grade level,

suffer from depression, obesity, and drug addiction.

Children raised without a father are even more likely to be incarcerated, abuse alcohol, and commit suicide.

You can drive through any city in America and see the stark difference between

clean, safe neighborhoods where most families have a father in the home,

and the filthy, crime infested, ghettoes where they don’t.

Guess what happened in 1964.

Guess what happened in 1964.

Everybody knew that women could not be trusted with so important a decision as choosing a man. Even women understood this themselves.

When a woman’s father chose her husband, he selected a man with a strong work ethic, high moral character, the ability to provide and protect for a family.

During this time, the idea of a single mother was non-existent. Fewer than 10% of children in America were raised in homes without a father, and this was BEFORE the invention of the 20 types of birth control available today. Condoms were not even widely available at that time.

However, since women were “liberated”, they have shown they will consistently choose the most shiftless, unemployed fuck boys to ejaculate inside them like an old sock.

After coitus, the irresponsible man promptly laces up his Jordan’s and runs off, leaving behind screaming, bastard children to become the illiterate car-jackers and drug dealers of tomorrow.

The most prolific “Pookies” and “Ray-rays” do this several times over, littering society with broken families and broken women.

The abandoned women then call Kevin Samuels, trying to find a “High Value Man” to clean up their mistakes.

Student Debt

Part of “Women’s Liberation” was the imperative that women leave the home.

Women were encouraged to abandon the noble calling of nurturing a family, to become cogs in the great industrial wheel.

They pursued education and career over their natural role of caregiver and mother.

For most of human history, women were discouraged, or not allowed, to be educated. Traditional societies still practice this today.

In the US, women flooded college campuses, racking up BILLIONS in student debt, and wasting valuable years of their limited fertility.

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Unfortunately, as I pointed out in my recent article “Just Get Laid”, women tend to study for careers that pay barely over minimum wage: like social work, teaching, and victimhood studies.

This would be fine, if college were free in America.

However, it’s not.

Women go into 6 figures of debt to fuck frat boys and study things they could have learned for free on Youtube.

Laughably, women attend college at higher numbers than men, yet they STILL earn less money than men who didn’t even go to college.

In the US, many skilled trades (all of which are male-dominated) have HIGHER annual incomes than careers which require college.

For example, in the US, the average electrician earns more in annual income than the average person with a bachelor’s degree.

It’s not sexism, or the fictitious “gender pay gap”.

Women freely choose low paying jobs,

work fewer hours then men,


women fail to negotiate raises.

Men already knew that women had to be monitored like children,

that’s why they had society set up the way it was.

As Donald Kingsbury professed,

“Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems.”


In Conclusion

The “Red Pill” is purposely hidden knowledge that everyone already knew about women.

There’s nothing secret, or surprising, about female nature. We’ve just been lied to by society, romantic comedies, and cheesy 90s R&B music.

Everything is propaganda.

There is enough meat on that bone for a post in itself.

When you see a bumbling husband always portrayed as the butt of the joke,

a 105 pound female action hero overpowering a group of grown men in hand to hand combat,

an interracial couple with a Black woman/ white male couple (statistically the least likely pairing in the US)

recognize the lies for what they are.

The truth is making a comeback.

-Solitary Beast